Abundant water charity project

Timor-Leste School and Household Clean Water Project

Timor-Leste School and Household Clean Water Project-image

Timor-Leste School and Household Clean Water Project


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Categories: Charity Name,Special Features,Water Project Type,Country
Sub-Categories: Abundant Water Inc,Timor-Leste,School,Ceramic Water Filter
People Impacted: 7000
Dollars per person Impacted: 8.57
Tax Deductable: Yes
Water User Committee: Yes
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Training: Yes
Project Details: The project produces clean water products and trains females as WASH educators and vendors of the ceramic water filters. These filters are superior to alternatives with sustainability and environmental benefits. Beneficiaries include up to 13 vendors, 1200 households and approximately 7000 people, including 1300 students.