Country of Project: Vietnam

most trusted charities

Samaritan’s Purse – Australia Limited

Samaritan’s Purse – Australia Limited work in developing countries. Their work areas include education, health, disaster relief, protection of the vulnerable, animals and agriculture,  livelihood training and water. Within the clean water initiative Samaritan’s Purse construct household concrete sand filtration systems, hand dug freshwater wells, community filtration systems, as well as other community water solutions.

most effective charities to donate to

Living Water Development Inc

Living Water Development Inc delivers water sanitation and implements good hygiene practices. They work in Uganda, Kenya, Myanmar, Thailand and the Pacific regions. They adopt a sustainable approach when working with local communities.  Their water solutions include bio-sand filters, solar distillation units, rope pumps and water excavation.

list of reputable charities

Habitat For Humanity Australia

Habitat for Humanity Australia is part of the worldwide group, with its headquarters in the USA. The organization big picture goal is for everyone in the world to have a safe and decent place to live. In Australia the charity mainly provide shelter solutions for vulnerable groups and low-income families through a number of programs. …

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