most reputable charities

Sadaqa Welfare Fund Incorporated

Water Well Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqa Welfare Fund Incorporated  is dedicated to empower the needy by creating human relief for the most vulnerable. The organisation have identified their areas of focus as Africa, Syria, Gaza, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Rohingya, Yemen, Indonesia, Turkey and Australia. Their projects include emergency relief, food and water, orphan support, education, constructing mosques and schools, scholarships, medical aid, empowerment projects and clean water projects.

Build a water well sadaqah jariyah. The clean water project construction methods used: ultra deep water stations and water purification systems. 

The team periodically services and repairs their installations.

Build A Water Well Sadaqah Jariyah

The clean water project construction methods used: ultra deep water stations and water purification systems. 

The team periodically services and repairs their installations.

Contact Detail


21A/40-44 Wellington Rd, South Granville, New South Wales, 2142

Country of Project

Bangladesh, Gaza, Nigeria, Rohingya, Syria, Yemen


Offical Website





ACNC Registration